Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)

We use the Perrin Technique for treating CFS/ME at Body Concepts. Rob Kopitzke PT was trained and certified by Dr. Perrin in 2019 and has been working successfully with clients since.

Before your first appointment, Body Concepts will email you a comprehensive medical questionnaire.  Often, people with CFS/ME have seen many medical professionals for answers and the search can be exhausting, especially for someone who is already fatigued.  The questionnaire is designed to give as complete a history as possible to determine if The Perrin Technique is appropriate before you spend any more time and money.  There is no charge for the review of questionnaire.

CFS/ME explained

To learn more about The Perrin Technique, visit

We offer a comprehensive evaluation and treatment program using the Perrin technique for anyone suffering from symptoms of:

Extreme Tiredness

The main symptom of ME/CFS is extreme physical and mental tiredness (fatigue) that does not go away with rest or sleep. This can make it difficult to carry out everyday tasks and activities. Most people with ME/CFS describe their fatigue as overwhelming and a different type of tiredness from what they’ve experienced before. Exercising usually makes the symptoms worse. Sometimes the effect is delayed, and you’ll feel very tired a few hours after you’ve exercised, or even the next day.

Problems Sleeping

People often find they do not feel refreshed after sleeping, frequently waking, and may feel stiff with flu like symptoms upon waking.

Problems with thinking, memory and concentration

These problems are commonly referred to as “brain fog”. This includes difficulty focusing on more than one thing at a time, remembering words, names and/or numbers, short-term memory loss, slowed speech, or reacting to things differently than normal.

Other Symptoms can include  

Muscle and joint pain, headaches, sore throat/glands, flu like symptoms, feeling dizzy or sick, fast or irregular heartbeats.

If you have any questions regarding The Perrin Technique or CFS/ME, call our office (916-939-6800) or email Rob Kopitzke at

Evaluation: $280 (90 minutes)

Follow up: $120 (45 minutes)